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I'd like some euros <a href="http://jajharkhand.in/wp/tylenol-and-motrin-together-for-pain-z0ak">how often do i take motrin 800</a>  A sadly accurate portrayal of human morality: many people don&#8217;t care about companies&#8217; stealing & cheating so long as they (the consumer) can acquire something for less money.  In their struggle to &#8220;survive&#8221; or appear more prosperous, they are willing to &#8220;bend the rules.&#8221; Rationalizations for their behavior (including &#8220;large corporations ripping us off,&#8221; &#8220;I&#8217;m not foolish enough to pay those high prices,&#8221; &#8220;people are sheep,&#8221; &#8220;those patents are bull-bleep,&#8221; etc) allow them to still perceive themselves as decent, perhaps even &#8220;honest.&#8221;  Violations of decency, morality, even law are commonplace among companies large and small, and, unfortunately, we tolerate their transgressions. Often because we feel powerless. Some even champion the companies&#8217; behavior in proselytizing a myopic worldview about capitalism.
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